luni, 7 noiembrie 2011

Cholestone – Decreases the cholesterol level

Cholesterol lipid substance, spread all around the organism and useful for  the appropriate functioning of it. This cholesterol is present in the cellular membrane structure, including in the brain, nerves, intestine, muscles, skin, liver and heart.
Cholesterol is used to produce certain hormones, vitamin D or bile acids, necessary for lipid digestion. To accomplish these functions, the body needs a small quantity of cholesterol. However, when it increases, it can determine atherosclerosis appearance; in this case, cholesterol and other lipids are deposited in the artery wall, inclusive in the arteries that feed the heart. In time, the narrowing of the coronary arteries due to atherosclerosis, can produce signs and symptoms for ischemic heart disease (angina, myocardial infarction).
Cholesterol circulates in macromolecular aggregates, particles also known as lipoproteins (produced in the liver), because cholesterol, being a lipid substance, it is not dissolvable in blood. There are several types of lipoproteins, each of them affecting differently the process of atherosclerosis, and in particular, ischemic heart disease.
Low density lipoproteins (LDL) transport LDL- cholesterol, the main source used in the increase of lesions of atherosclerosis. As the quantity of LDL-cholesterol from blood will be higher, so will the risk of appearance and development of ischemic heart disease increase. Optimum LDL-cholesterol levels are lower than 160 mg/dl for a young adult, lower then 130 mg/dl for individuals who associate with other cardiovascular risk factors, and lower than 100 mg/dl for individuals having ischemic heart disease.
High density lipoproteins (HDL) are what you call “good” cholesterol. HDL transport cholesterol from different body parts towards the liver, preventing thus its deposit on artery walls. As the HLD-cholesterol level from blood is higher, the risk of ischemic heart disease is lower. The optimum level of HDL-cholesterol is about 45 mg/dl for men and about 55 mg/dl for women. There is a high risk of developing ischemic heart disease when the HDL-cholesterol level is lower than 35 mg/dl.
Triglycerides (TG) represent a transportation form for lipids to blood, and also the main form of their deposit in fat tissue. The growth of TG level in blood does not produce atherosclerosis, but due to the fact that lipoproteins rich in TG are also rich in cholesterol, the growth of TG can be involved in the appearance of atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease.
Cholesterol level is affected not only by diet, but also by the body’ capacity to produce LDL-cholesterol. Human organism produces cholesterol according to needs, and it is not necessary any additional cholesterol from food.

Factors that influence the level of LDL-cholesterol

  • Heredity: there are genetic factors that influence the production of LDL-cholesterol and the intake from blood circulation. A distinctive form is familial hypercholesterolemia, inherited genetically, and which affects 1/500 individuals and frequently relates to ischemic heart disease. There are also other genetic systems that control the level of plasma LDL-cholesterol.

  • Diet: two classes of food nutrients that increase the level of LDL-cholesterol are saturated fats, mainly of animal origin, and exclusively of animal origin. Saturated fats increase the blood level of LDL-cholesterol much more than any food principle. The reduction of saturated fats and of cholesterol from diet, is an important step and a necessary stage in trying to reduce the level of cholesterol from blood.

  • Body weight: people with body weight above permissible limits for age and gender have increased levels of LDL-cholesterol. Weight loss can reduce these levels, once with TG decrease and blood HDL-cholesterol increase.
  • Physical activity: if it is done routinely, it can increase levels of HDL-cholesterol and decrease the LDL-cholesterol ones.

  • Age and gender: before menopause, women have lower levels of cholesterol than men the same age. After menopause, the levels of LDL-cholesterol increase, while those of HDL-cholesterol decrease, so, after the age of 50, women can have a higher cholesterol than men the same age. These values can be improved by estrogenic hormonal therapy, especially after menopause and in cases well selected. Regardless of gender, blood cholesterol increases with age, generally until the age of 65.

Cholestone components and their role in decreasing the level of cholesterol:

  1. Flax seed oil: contains fatty acids that attend prostaglandins synthesis. Prostaglandins reduce the level of blood cholesterol and of TG, prevent platelet aggregation, thus decreasing the risk of atherosclerosis, hypertension and myocardial infarction. Because they reduce blood viscosity, they contribute to improving blood circulation conditions, increasing the contribution of oxygen tissue. Flax oil is one of the most rich, natural sources of unsaturated fatty Omega 3 acids.
  2. Pectin: a soluble water fiber, helps at maintaining a normal level of cholesterol and improves lipidemia. It is a lipid ethereal absorbent.
  3. Garlic: reduces the blood level of low density lipoproteins (LDL), responsible for the deposit of fat substances on blood vessels walls, and at the same time contributes to the growth of high density lipoproteins (HDL), which have a protective effect against atherosclerosis. Garlic’s vasodilatory effects manifest mostly at the level of peripheral arteries (cerebral, retinal, legs). The action on the cardiovascular apparatus consists of the control of tachycardia and of coronary arteries spasms, responsible for producing angina crisis and myocardial infarction, thus improving cardiac performance. Also, garlic prevents the formation of clots and arterial thrombosis.
Cholestone contains vitamin C, which helps at maintaining capillary structural integrity and accelerates blood circulation. Vitamin E has a role in preventing atherosclerosis, through its vasodilatory effect, plus, it is a strong antioxidant. Chromium and lecithin, present in Cholestone, reduce cholesterol from blood and prevent the formation of buildup plaque, reducing even more the risk of ischemic heart disease heart failure.

active ingredients/tablet:
  • Flax seed oil - 200 mg
  • Apple pectin - 200 mg
  • Lecithin - 100 mg
  • Vitamin C - 60 mg
  • Vitamin E - 10 mg
  • Chromium - 50 mcg
Directions: 3x1 tablets daily!

If you need   Cholestone  you can cantact me on this blog.

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